The Top 5 Worst Marketing Mistakes


Find out what marketing mistakes are costing you time and money and costing you clients

And learn how to effectively find new clients on a shoe string budget.

  • Are you a Solo Preneur who is new to business or less than 5 years?
  • Do you feel frustrated with where to start or knowing what to do?
  • Are you tired of wasting time and money trying to get clients?

Find out what marketing mistakes will drain you and your wallet and even sink your business!

Whether you are new to business or in business less than 5 years – you’ll find out what absolutely NOT to do.

I’ll bring my own experience of what doesn’t work, plus the experience of Coaching small business owners over the last 10 years. I’ve seen firsthand what mistakes keep small business owners struggling.

“A smart man learns from his mistakes, a wise man learns from the mistakes of others.” – unknown

When you know what not to do …knowing what TO DO becomes much easier.  We’ll convert the mistakes into what to do instead.

It’s not just about taking action.

I really struggled in my business the first 3 years – because I didn’t understand important key principles. I was taking action right and left, I was doing the ‘right’ things, but it was only paying off in small amounts….until I applied these key principles!

Learn the essentials you need to know to promote your services, attract clients and grow your business.

Learn how to easily create your marketing plan, and create clarity and focus for your business – so you can attract clients, grow your business and bring your vision into reality.

You’ll learn:

  • The Top 5 Marketing Mistakes
  • How to Create Your Easy Marketing Plan
  • What Essentials You Need in Place Before You Start
  • How to Train Your Brain for Marketing
  • And More!

Small business owners, the world needs you!

Small business support for solo preneurs

Small businesses grow local economy.

I’m passionate about helping small business owners for several reasons:

One is that small businesses allow communities and local economy to grow – it increases the quality of life for the local area.

Another reason is that for many Solo Preneurs – your business is the vehicle to living your life purpose, reaching more people with your message and changing lives, our culture and the planet for the better.

When you’re successful – your community benefits, lives are improved and world becomes better.

If you are passionate about your business and what you do – the world needs you.

I hope you’ll join me for the Top 5 Worst Marketing Mistakes.

Bring your marketing ideas and / or materials if you want gentle feedback for the Marketing Magic Lightning Round.