hollypicAre you struggling with the same goals over and over?

Does it seem like making a change is taking one step forward only to take two steps back? Or, perhaps you’ve experienced procrastination or self sabotage.

Hi, I’m Holly Stokes, The Brain Trainer. I draw on several brain training disciplines to get you REAL results! Harness the power of Coaching, Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Hypnosis to train the brain and clear the mental blocks. Find your path to health, happiness, and success.

No matter what your goals, if you are ready for a breakthrough, then you are ready for the “brain training” approach. What if you were able to finally clear the mental blocks and have an amazing life?
What more do you want out of life?
* Do you want to lose weight and have your ideal body?
* Do you want to enjoy better health and have more energy?
* Do you want to loving and supportive relationships?
* Do you want to find your soulmate?
* Are you recovering from divorce?
* Do you want to feel better, happier and more balanced?
* Do you want to power up your career or business?

No matter what your goals, it’s how your brain is wired that makes all the difference. Through the experiences of life, we pick up mental blocks or beliefs that operate as unconscious programs and they can affect everything that we do.

We can have mental blocks about anything and these can keep us spinning our wheels. For example, it’s hard to lose weight, if this is your belief, then your brain is on the lookout for weight loss programs that are hard, where you really have to struggle.

We can have mental blocks about anything: love, money, relationships, weight, health, and the most pervasive ones are about the self – limiting ideas about who we are and what we are capable of.

“I’m not good enough” is the most common mental block or belief that I run across in my work. This is usually picked up when we are children and compare ourselves to older children. A six year old body is just more capable than a four year old body. Once we pick it up and repeat it, the unconscious mind then takes it on as an automatic  program.

Consciously you may know that it’s not true. But your unconscious mind can still be running the old program. It’s an underlying feeling that takes away from your triumphs, it keeps you from stretching yourself and going for what you want and it takes away your motivation and the ability to enjoy your life.

It’s not enough to disbelieve it. If it’s running in your unconscious mind, it’s already automatic.

Have you tried affirmations? They feel good for the moment you say them, but then your brain goes right back to its old habits and the unconscious programs take over. And often when you say them it just feels like you are lying.

With any problem that I work with, there are usually a handful of these pesky suckers gumming up the works. Whether you are stuck with health, money, relationships, weight, or happiness, chances are there is a core set of beliefs operating at the unconscious level. And to really change them, we must address the unconscious mind.

Fortunately with what we know now about the brain and how it works, we can quickly and effectively transform these automatic programs.

Once they are changed, you find inner strength, greater calm and well being and you find your freedom to be you. You open up the possibilities of your life, you find your drive and your ambition to achieve your dreams. Life becomes an adventure.

You don’t have to continue to struggle with these mental blocks any longer. It’s time to rewire your brain for positive programs, much like updating your mental software. What if your brain were operating by these programs?

* I can achieve what I desire
* I appreciate and love myself
* My contribution is valued
* Life is an adventure

Updating your unconscious programs changes your whole experience of life and life becomes amazing! Are you still operating from old programs?

Find out what unconscious programs are affecting you.

Sign up for The Brain Trainer newsletter and you’ll get 6 Keys to Instant Motivation plus  Uncovering Your Mental Blocks 5 day series. After the series, the newsletter will slow to once a week with tips, new posts and food for thought.