Hypnosis mp3: Hypnosis for Self Healing


Discover the Mind  Body Connection to Enhance Your Own Self Healing

Hypnosis is well known for deep relaxation and well being. As the mind relaxes, the brain actually changes into an Alpha brain wave state. In this state of deep relaxation, the mind and body activate the healing abilities. This is the “rest and digest” response, when the parasympathetic nervous system engages, the body responds. This state is characterized by reduced blood pressure, reduced heart rate, muscle relaxation and the body focuses on digestion, absorption of nutrients and healing and repair of tissues, including updating the immune system.


Hypnosis MP3: Enhancing Your Body’s Abilities for Self Healing

It’s easy to see the Mind-Body Connection when we look at the body’s response to stress. When we experience stress, our body has a physical reaction. It prepares to either fight off an attacker or run away, this response is often referred to as ‘ fight or flight.’

This response was useful in our ancestral past when our threats were physical and immediate. Now, however, in our current lives with all the technologies and safety, it’s not as useful.

What are the things that cause you stress?

Coworkers? Family? Relationships? Money? These things are not going to chase us down, but the body responds the same way as immediate threat or danger. It still enacts the ‘fight or flight’ response, just to a lesser degree.

Even though most of our stressors today are more imagined threat, the body still responds physically to what we think about.
When our body is in stress mode, it diverts blood to the muscles and away from the brain, making us less able to think logically and clearly. During stress the body also stops working on digestion and the immune system also known as ‘rest and digest’ mode which shuts down healing and repair responses.

Learn Meditation and Self Hypnosis for HealingStress is directly connected to our health and a major factor in all diseases. The Center for Disease Control estimates that at least 90% of doctor visits are for symptoms directly related to stress. We also know that stress can aggravate illness and can even create symptoms in the body. You may know some people who handle stress very well and others who do not. The differences in how we handle stress can be found in the underlying mental habits and patterns operating in the background of the mind. But as the brain learns new patterns and strategies, it can replace old habits of worry, stress and fears with new habits of security and comfort.

Enjoy the relaxing nature of Hypnosis and bring your mind and body into natural self healing

As the mind learns new habits of ease, the mind and body can work together to bring about greater health and healing, and even engage the body’s natural abilities to heal and repair itself.

Enjoy this relaxing Hypnosis mp3 to bring the mind and body into the natural healing state. Use this audio anytime you’d like to relax, release tension, engage the mind-body connection and even to start communicating with the Unconscious Mind to learn the deeper messages behind health issues and symptoms.

Get the Instant Download now and enjoy the wellbeing, relaxation and self healing of your own mind and body.

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