Intuition Mastery Mastermind 6 Month Series

Original price was: $360.00.Current price is: $300.00.

Intuition is the #1 MOST important skill you can invest in that can change your life, create synchronicities, experience magic and deep fulfillment,  inspire and innovate your endeavors to success. Intuition can keep you safe, save you from costly mistakes, help you clarify your purpose and mission, give you powerful confidence to live your dreams and more.

In a world brimming with noise and distractions, it’s easy to lose touch with your own answers and inner wisdom. Imagine if you could effortlessly connect with your intuition, experience the magic of synchronicities, and live in a more fulfilling, harmonious way with your soul’s purpose.



In the age of awakening, you know that there’s more to life than what meets the eye. You’ve felt the power of synchronicities at work and the pull of your inner guidance. But sometimes messages can be confusing or vague. But what if you had a positive, supportive network that helped to keep your focus on your inner guidance with tools and strategies to consistently practice, hone and refine your intuition?

Imagine living every day guided by your intuition, effortlessly recognizing synchronicities, and manifesting a life that aligns with your soul’s true purpose. Welcome to the 6-Month Intuition Mastermind Course, where you’ll deepen your connection to the Divine sources, connect with your inner knowing through multiple levels, harness your intuitive power, and create a deeply satisfying, enriching and fulfilling life as your highest expression.

The Intuition Mastery Mastermind

This online mastermind group is designed to help you develop and trust your intuitive abilities. Over six transformative months, you will engage in deep learning, practical exercises and a supportive community that will empower you to:

  • Access Your Own Answers: Discover multiple ways to tune in and recognize and identify your own answers.
  • Practical Tools: Clarify your intuitive messages with practical, usable skills
  • Powerful Confidence: Develop your inner knowing to guide you through life’s challenges with grace.
  • Embrace Synchronicities: Recognize the magic of meaningful alignments that guide your path and potential.
  • Deepen Self-Awareness: Gain profound insights into your true desires, strengths, and soul’s purpose.
  • Creativity & Inspiration: Connect with your inspiration and creativity to find solutions, solve the problems and
  • Trust Your Inner Wisdom: Learn to distinguish between fear and intuition, making confident, soul-aligned decisions.

Intuition Mastery Program includes:

2 Live Mastermind Online Meetings each month

1 New Hypnosis Process each month

Access to Hypnosis Library

Practical Skills Each Month

Intuition Practice Activities

Uplifting Positive Like-Minded Community


We’ll cover a new theme of application of skills each month:

  1. Sept: Intuition Health & Vitality
  2. Oct: Intuition Wealthy Outlook
  3. Nov: Intuition Relationships
  4. Dec: Intuition & Law of Magnetism
  5. Jan: Intuition for Purpose & Happiness
  6. Feb: Beyond Intuition

Questions? Email Holly at

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