How to afford help!

As a business owner, do you find yourself with too much to do? Could you really use an extra set of hands on your business? Yesterday I met with a client whose business is in that place where they could really use the help, but they don’t quite have the extra finances to guarantee an employee salary.

I asked, “what tasks would you like to have this person do?” The  owner said, “keeping the books, restocking inventory, dusting, reminder calls” all these tasks are great to have done, but these are organizational tasks.

As a Business Coach, I know that part of the key to success is in asking the right question.  So I then asked, “What tasks can this person do for your business that could generate the extra income to cover their salary and boost your business?” This question brought a whole new set of ideas to mind.

The heart of any business is marketing, generating the revenue to grow your business. Whether its word of mouth marketing, connecting with your customers, networking, advertising, or your online presence. There are many ways to do marketing.

If you are looking to bring on an extra set of hands to help you with your business, make your first priority in their schedule marketing tasks that will generate more business revenue.

I currently have 3 people working on different marketing activities for me, and because they are self-employed, running their own businesses, I don’t have the extra expense and paperwork of an employee.  This also allows me to focus on the things that only I can do, like production of CDs, finishing my book, and meeting with clients.

When I went through T Harv Eker’s Guerilla Business workshop, he asked the audience, “What is your business?” We all shouted back with the product or service we offer, “Coaching, Hypnosis, Water Filtration, Acupuncture, etc.”

His response, “You are all Wrong!  If you are in business for yourself, your number one job is Marketing what you do.” That sentence still sticks with me – he made a good point.

Marketing doesn’t have to be hard, but it really must be a priority, and it should be consistent. What are your top 3 activities that you use for marketing? If you were to bring on help, what marketing activities would you have them do for you?

Ask yourself the right question, to move your business to your next level of success, What do you need? What can you prioritize in your business that would allow you to afford the help you need?