No diet will remove all the fat from your body because the brain is entirely fat. Without a brain you might look good, but all you could do is run for public office. – Covert Bailey

It’s okay to be a fathead, fat is what your brain is made of.  Read about how to get that lump of fat working for you with “Train your Brain to Slim your Body.”

And guess what? There is still time to order your book and get complimentary admission to the workshop Sat. June 12th. Can’t make the workshop? You can request the DVD – free! see details

Here’s just a couple of  reviews:

“I have lost 35 lbs with the Lighten up programs. I found losing the weight this time was easier and more natural, and the lifestyle changes I am making feel more permanent. I credit Holly’s program with giving me the ability to make healthy changes without struggling. I am getting my slim body back and I feel happier.”

—Rinatta Paries,

While most diet and weight loss plans down right fail, even cheating our society from real and lasting success, Holly Stokes (book title) says goodbye to the old, tired and merely superficial approaches to weight loss!  Holly actually empowers you to achieve the lasting look, feel and energy you desire!  As a leading fitness and weight loss expert I can tell you the last thing our society needs is just another trendy “fat loss band-aid” type diet plan!  Holly’s approach get’s at the heart your problem, deals with it and then sets you on the fast track to lean, healthy and vibrant living!  Holly, I thank you for sharing your gift with me personally and now the world!

—Alex McMillan, Author, Business Fitness Success Coach,

see details Don’t wait- only 10 spaces left – after that, workshop registration jumps!