You know this old idea of worthy and deserving? I was thinking about it last month because it came up for me as a block against moving my business forward. I didn’t think it was there, but alas, another layer of it. As I reflected about this idea, I realized a few things.

What are the hard and fast rules of being worthy or deserving? there aren’t any, worthy and deserving is a judgement- if its a judgement, someone must be deciding…

So, Who is it that decides who is worthy and deserving? If something is worthy and deserving – its just a person’s opinion. There are as many opinions on this planet as there are people.

Even to  say – yes I am worthy- you are still missing the mark. Its based on the presumption that some people are more deserving than others, that some people are more valuable than others.  At the core level, we are all souls on the same journey of learning and growing. As you look at people for the value of their soul- we are all priceless, and there is no judgement.

As I worked with a client today to change an old belief, the new belief that came out of the process was, “I create and define my worth and value.”

How much better to recognize your own responsibility in defining what’s important to you, what holds value for your life, and living up to that aspiration on your own terms rather than living by someone else’s rules or opinions.

How often do we let other’s opinions and ideas define us, or limit us?

Maybe its time to let go of old judgements. Maybe its time to see ourselves and the world of people as souls on the same journey. The judgements you hold for others are the same judgements you hold for yourself.

If you look at people with that perspective, you might ask the question I asked, “why then do some have more than others?” My answer through the eyes of soul: Focus

Its an attracting universe – we get what we focus on.

So, I choose not to believe in the old idea of  “worthy and deserving” and to believe instead in the priceless values of souls, travelers on the same journey, and the question is really: What do you want to grow in the world – that’s where you put your focus.