Learn Meditation and the Many Benefits Proven by Research

Learn Meditation and Self HypnosisThe practice of meditation (and hypnosis) have been around as long as there have been people.

Think of being outdoors under the night sky watching the flames of a fire dance in front of you. The campfire pops and crackles, everyone around you has grown quiet and silent as they too are entranced by the flicker of fire light. As you watch the flames twist and jump, your mind grows quiet. There is only the fire in front of you, the quiet of the night and a growing inner calm and stillness of being. Time passes as your mind drifts easily through thoughts and reflections.

If you’ve experienced the feeling of timelessness by watching the flames of a campfire, you’ve been in the form of a meditation. There are many ways the mind moves through levels of awareness, meditations, trance and even hypnosis throughout an average day.

On your way to work or on your way home, how much do you notice along the way?

If you are familiar with the route, quite likely your mind just wanders off to other things while you are driving and paying attention, but not consciously noticing all the details.

I learned meditation in my twenties through a nature awareness and mindfulness camp and the benefits have profoundly deepened my quality of life in so many ways. I noticed that when I began the day with meditation, my mood and outlook would improve. I also had many experiences of watching a campfire or a moving stream or river and while looking at the nature scenery, my mind would suddenly find answers to some longstanding questions.

Research is catching up with understanding the many uses and applications of meditation. One article posted 20 Reasons to Start Meditating Today by by Emma M. Seppälä Ph.D., posted at www.PsychologyToday.com In the article, she outlines the many benefits and links to the research that backs up these compelling claims for meditation. Here’s the quick overview:

Meditation Boosts Your Health.

A direct result of meditation is reducing stress, both in the mind and the body. Where the mind goes, the body follows. When we calm the mind, the body calms too. And when the body experiences calm, that’s when the body does its healing and repair, including working on its immune function. Research shows that meditation boosts immune function, decreases pain and even decreases inflammation at the cellular level.

Learn Meditation for Social Connection Meditation Relieves Anxiety and Boosts Happiness

What we think about the mind and body respond to. By clearing and quieting the mind’s chatter, we relieve stress, worry and anxiety and boosts the feel good emotions. Meditation has also been found to decrease depression.

Meditation Boosts Your Social Life

Research findings for increasing your social life include increasing your compassion and emotional intelligence, as well as alleviating loneliness, regulating your own emotions and boosting your self regulation and control.

Meditation Changes Your Brain for the Better

Research shows that meditation increases grey matter and the areas of the brain that work with emotion regulation. It also increases focus, productivity, ability to multitask, memory and your ability to creatively problem solve. So many benefits of meditation for your health, your mood, your relationships and your brain.

There are Many Ways to Meditate

A very common way of meditating is by trying to blank your mind. Have you tried this method? Yep, me too. When we give the mind some quiet space, what does it do? It wanders over our task lists, remember todos, etc. The mind likes to be busy, so give it some quiet and it just keeps mulling over things. Trying to achieve no thought in my opinion is one of the hardest types of meditation. Too often people try this method and get frustrated, get bored and think they can’t mediate.

Think You Can’t Meditate? Don’t Give Up

Learn Meditation and Self Hypnosis Salt Lake CityThere are many ways to meditate, and its as varied as there are cultures. The key is finding what you want meditation to do for you and then also finding your best way to meditate that gives you those positive feelings and results. Prayer is a mediation. Lying on the grass and watching the clouds make new shapes can be a meditation. Try this one, give yourself just 5 minutes. Play some relaxing music and light a candle. While watching the flame, let your mind focus on the motion of the flame.

Ramp Up the Benefits of Meditation with Self Hypnosis

Many people find Hypnosis ~ and Self Hypnosis much easier than meditation because we aren’t fighting with the busy “monkey mind.” In Self Hypnosis, you are always in control, you are in charge of the direction, the focus and even the results.

Self Hypnosis Magnifies All the Benefits of Meditation

When I was in my twenties, I broke my leg badly. I spiral fractured both the tibia and fibula of my right leg. I was laid up for weeks, so I read books while it healed. I went back in for my 6 week checkup, the doctor said it wasn’t healing as it should. He said it should have been much farther along, it just wasn’t laying down the new bone material that it needed to knit back together. I was scared, what if my leg doesn’t heal, I might have to get more pins and surgeries.

So I dedicated myself to using meditation I had recently learned to heal my leg. I let myself relax through breathing and progressive relaxing of my muscle groups, from my legs up through to torso, to stomach, to arms and face. And then I imagined looking through my body into the area where the breaks were in my legs, and I imagined knitting them together with threads of light. I did it daily for about 2 weeks.

The next doctor visit, “This is amazing! Your body is repairing itself much faster than before. In fact its truly unbelievable the progress its made.” A couple more weeks and my bone repair was ahead of schedule, I was able to get a walking cast.

Learn Meditation and Self Hypnosis for HealingThis is one of my earliest examples of using Meditation for Self Healing. Later when I became a Certified Hypnotherapist, I developed the Hypnosis CD: Enhancing Your Body’s Abilities for Self Healing and other Hypnosis CDs to help you harness the power of your mind.

Your mind is amazing. It is the birthplace of your experience, it is the center of all your talents, gifts and capabilities. Your mind can work for you ~ as in self healing or problem solving. And your mind can also be working against you with old programs, recurring negative thoughts or recycling old feelings.

With Hypnosis and Self Hypnosis, we are not blanking the mind, we are putting the mind to work for us, but to do that, we must give it clear directions. There are several different methods and strategies that we employ in getting the automatic or unconscious mind onboard with what we want it to do, and the results can be phenomenal.

I love empowering teaching people to control their own brain with meditation and self hypnosis.

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