What are your goals in 2020?

Whenever I run goals classes, I ask, “How many of you love goal setting? I always get a few who raise their hands but only about 3 in 20.
How many of you when I talk about goals, your eyes roll into the back of your head and you have a feeling of frustration or dread?
Well, if the second category is you, you’re gonna love these fresh ideas about making goals or plans-this year. Because we all have a history of not following through on goals, we can feel defeated even before we get started. Here’s some ways to circumvent the mind traps we can get stuck in about setting goals.

Here’s top 5 quick tips on “goals” for the coming year:

1. Don’t call it a Goal> call it PLANS or Intentions

2. Remember life is about learning and adjusting, if you aren’t following through, you’re learning to adjust for stuck spots. Focus on small steps and what works.
3. Keep it FUN. Focus on the feeling. What fun can you add to activities that you drudge through. For example, a glass of wine helps me get my financials to my CPA lol. But seriously, how can you add to your enjoyment to your everyday? Cultivate feeling positive.
4. Create Fun Intentions or Plans first. Whats on your list? This year I have a trip to London and speaking in Canada. Though these trips are for work and business, I’m planning a little extra time to explore.
5. Create a “Visionboard” to give you visual reminders of what you want to create and experience in your life.
One of the magic aspects of a visionboard, it can remind us and keep the brain reminded of what we want to create. Pick power words, pivtures that inspire and the feelings you want to tap into. This can be a great daily booster for you when hung in places you see often. The unconscious mind or automatic mind responds very powerfully to images and symbolism.
Find more resources for addressing the problems with goals and creating your life in more fulfilling, empowering ways.

January Special: Custom Hypnosis Sessions, Only $44 with Brad Stokes, Consulting Hypnotist

Let me introduce our latest addition at The Brain Trainer. And this month to help you get your 2020 off to a great start, we’re offering introductory sessions with Brad Stokes. These Custom 1:1 Sessions are 60 minutes, available times are mornings M-F, 9:30-10:30 and Saturdays available.

  • Get Cear on Your 2020 Goals
  • Turn Your Goals to Plans
  • Experience Hypnosis to Get Your Brain Onboard
  • And Get Your Recording of the Session

Brad Stokes started working with at risk teens at a youth therapeutic and treatment center. He loves helping people succeed. His friendly relaxed manner quickly puts others at ease. His love for meditation led him to certify in Hypnotherapy with the National Guild of Hypnotists. click here