What’s the Neuroscience of Adventure?

I love adventures large and small because it wakes up my brain and makes me feel alive! Whether you are a paddler, a bicycler, a hiker or scrapbooker, lol many things can be a form of adventure, but there’s also neuroscience behind it, check out this quote from Shape magazine on adventure and your BRAIN!

The Neuroscience of Adventure and your Brain

“Whether it’s physical or mental, adventurous behavior makes us feel good: It fires up the same regions of the brain that getting a reward does, according to a study in the journal Neuron. This may be why we’re motivated to try new things even when they’re intimidating, says study author Bianca Wittmann, Ph.D., of the Center for Mind, Brain, and Behavior, the University of Marburg, and Justus Liebig University Giessen in Germany.

“Over time, adventurous activities may actually improve your brain health, says Abigail Marsh, Ph.D., a professor of psychology and neuroscience at Georgetown University and the author of Fear Factor. That’s because you’re constantly learning, which creates new synapses and strengthens existing ones, a process known as neuroplasticity, she says. This can make your brain sharper.
And that’s just one of the many things adventure does for you. Here are four more potent perks of being an adventure seeker.”
See the full article in Shape Magazine here: 

Having adventures on the calendar are an important part of work – life balance. It doesn’t have to be a big trip to Hawaii or Italy, those are amazing yes, but its also the little trips, the weekends away, a day out on the lake and back that keeps my life working.

What’s on your calendar? Where’s your next adventure?

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Here’s to Your Health Happiness & Success!


P.S. Ask about Adventure Coaching on Fridays through summer months, inquire holly at thebraintrainerllc.com