Practice Anxiety & Stress Relief through Meditation for Practical Real World Payoffs!

Is it London or is it Crazy Mouse’s Wild Ride? Inner stress relief pays off

So I rented a car to drive from London to Glastonbury, thinking, it will be easy, I’ll just have my mind shift which side of the road I’m driving, and I didn’t even consider that I got a stick shift and the stick shifter is also on the wrong side.

Well you can imagine there were moments of panic as I awkwardly crunched the gears, driving through tunnels of hedges on skinny roads that looked like one way streets, but where cars were going both directions.

But I recognized quickly that when I gave in to being flustered, I made more mistakes.

Fortunately  for me, I’ve already practiced meditation tools to calm anxiety and stress relief through meditation and NLP, to tap into inner calm.

Meditation practices help with anxiety and stress relief, and with the added benefits of Self Hypnosis, I’ve baked into the many processes to teach the mind to tap into inner calm and carry peace with you. With a little bit of practice, your inner calm can become a reliable state of mind.

So with a few clearing breaths, I tuned into that clear and active state of mind, feeling centered and present, and wouldn’t you know, Siri guided me through the twisting turning streets and cobblestone towns. And I only had to aplogize for my driving several times.

Along the way, I had second moment of panic when I realized that my phone was on low power mode, ony 17% and it was fading along the way.  I’d missed the small detail that you have to flip the electrical switch to “on” when you plug in your charger!

Just in time, I arrived at my destination in Glastonbury, when my phone died. Wow, I hadn’t realized how dependent I was on my phone, all my plans, reservations, numbers, everything, ooh my!

I found a cafe and charged my phone, whew! And I was able to make it the 30 minutes to Bridgwater where I was staying for a couple of days.

And you know, its kinda like life. It can feel like Crazy Mouse’s Wild Ride, a rickety rollercoaster with sharp jerking stops and unpredictable turns.

However, when we let ourselves default into stress or overwhelm, that’s when stuff goes awry, but if we keep centered, clear and present, we can be even more effective and things go more smoothly.

Want to learn easy ways to relieve anxiety, tap into inner calm and carry peace of mind with you?

Join the next online class: Learn Meditation & Self Hypnosis Skills, check this page for next live training times: