Who can be hypnotized? Can only certain people be hypnotized?

It’s a Myth that only certain people can be hypnotized. Mostly we get this message from stage shows where the hypnotist uses only 1 style of hypnosis, they are looking for people who respond to the fast and rapid hypnosis and go into trance quickly. But there are 3 other styles of hypnosis.

Hypnosis is actually a natural state of mind, in fact, we move in and out of hypnotic trance throughout the day. If you have ever been driving and missed a free way exit, this is highway hypnosis, where your body was on autopilot but your mind was just wandering elsewhere.

We move in and out of hypnotic states everyday

Or if you’ve ever been reading a really good book where you could see it or imagine it in your mind, you can imagine the surroundings, the characters, this is also a form of hypnosis. Its not actually happening, but your mind is playing out the story of it.

Hypnosis is a natural state of mind that we move in and out throughout the day, and you can actually use hypnosis to reprogram your Unconscious Mind. I like to call the Unconscious Mind the Automatic Mind because its in charge of whatever is running automatically in the background of the mind. This is where our mind is running that negative self talk which then causes poor self esteem.

So if you really want to make a change, update and reprogram your Unconscious Mind to work for you rather than against you. You can learn the tools and skills for yourself through online classes and trainings. Discover the tools and skills to change your brain habits, patterns and programs out of anxiety, stress, negative self talk, loneliness, etc into patterns of optimism and hope so you can live your amazing life.

See current classes for Hypnosis and NLP trainings at: TheBrainTrainerllc.com/classes