Are your brain habits running unhappiness or happiness?

When we think of happiness, we tend to think of achieving something or getting what we want. Have you thought any of these?

We might think, “When I lose the extra weight, then I will be happy.”

Or “When I have the perfect romantic relationship, then I will be happy.”

Or “When I have x amount of money, then I can relax and be happy.”

But if happiness is dependent on what we are achieving from the outside world or on another person,  we end up on a hamster wheel chasing happiness.

We certainly feel happy when we achieve our goals or receive what we want, but that happiness doesn’t last, we then chase the next thing and the next, on that hamster wheel.

Don’t get me wrong, I love it when goals and dreams coming to fruition. But there is a deeper happiness available.

Yes, there is a deeper happiness available right here, right now.

This insight was a turning point for me when I was going through kidney failure and congestive heart failure 10 years ago, when I moved from Portland back to Salt Lake City.

In the year prior, my relationship of 10 years dissolved and I was on my own in the world. At the conscious level, I was telling myself I’m okay, I got this.

But apparently my unconscious mind was running a different program, which was evident as my health began to decline. I was making it on my own in Portland, but as I felt more exhausted and isolated. In the 10 years we were together, his family was my family, but when we broke up, of course that  changed. I hadn’t really developed a social network I could rely on and I found it more and more difficult. I finally decided to go back to Salt Lake City where most of my family is based.

A few weeks later, I landed in the hospital and had to start dialysis treatments. Feeling devastated and in a really low place, I realized I had always taken happiness for granted, so I read books on happiness and I found some insights that helped me change my mood, my outlook and even turn the tide of my health issues. I share the story in depth in my book, The Miracle Code.

One insight in particular was that happiness and well being are directly related to gratitude and the awareness happiness is like a river flowing through life, I just wasn’t paying attention.

Gratitude is an elevator for happiness. What are you grateful for right now?

“Gratitude? Hey isn’t that overdone?” my inner snark monster piqued. Well, there’s a reason it’s popular, because it works!

When you think about what you are sincerely grateful for, can feel the flow of energy? And this REAL happiness is always available and not dependent on what we are achieving or on other people’s opinions about us.

When we are in gratitute, we connect to our soul’s energy, we allow that higher energy to flow into our lives. This higher energy fuels things like Law of Attraction, manifesting our desires, synchronicities and the quiet messages of intuition.

Once I set up habits for gratitude, my situation really turned around starting with my mood, my optimism, my  hope and then my body.  If you’re interested in reading more in-depth, see my book, The Miracle Code here.

What takes us out of gratitude and happiness?

It’s our brain habits, when we look at the problems of the world, when we see unsolvable conflicts or we think of the problems of “being ourselves.” Yes, we’ve learned to see ourselves as problems, but…it’s just old programming.

Essentially what takes us out of happiness the most is our overthinking, and brain habits and old programming which are based on our past history.

But what if your mind could quickly learn a strategy to clear out the negative past, and re-align to the possibilities of your higher way of being, your higher potential and continue to re-align to your higher potential automatically?

Our ability to hold happiness and high vibrations is based on the energy set by your unconscious mind and what brain habits it’s running automatically. Over the last 18 years in my NLP Hypnosis practice, I came across a powerful few processes that empower and teach the mind to make its own updates and run patterns automatically and super fast, without a need for story or detail.

I do these sessions one on one, but now I’m opening it up for small groups. In this 3 part sessions, can you really get your mind to let go of old habits and patterns and update to positive ones more aligned with your soul’s energies making intuition and synchronicities easier?

Why yes, yes you can.

Are you ready for an upgrade?

Click here to see the next available times for Soul Connection Series online