What synchronicities have you been noticing?

So just the other day, I thought, I have the extra time and it was clear skies. We finally had a break from 105 degree weather, I thought, “maybe I should ride my moped into the office?”

I did a quick intuition check, Nope.

So I didn’t take Ezmerelda into the office, I took my truck instead.

At the end of the day, around 5pm, just when I started to head home, we got pelted with an apocalyptic thunder storm which poured down on motorists in sheets and sheets of hail and rain!

The wind was whipping the trees around while lightning flased in the sky and thunder clammered in loud cracks above the traffic.


Thank heavens I didn’t take my moped to the office that day, I was saved by  intuition.

Not only would I have been drenched, but the winds and wet roads skyrocket the risk factors for riding mopeds and motorcycles. (I know my little Ezmerelda is no motorcycle, but its my compromise and hey she still does 60 mph so close enough for me).

Little synchronicities let you know you’re “tapped in, tuned in and turned on with life!” which is the state of being where we are most connected to Intuition and Inner knowing.

What synchronicities have you been noticing?

Have you been seeing repeating numbers, like looking at the clock at its 1:11, or 5:55?

Or repeating numbers on a receipt such as $22.22?

Or perhaps thinking of a friend and then they call you?

All these synchronicities are showing you that you are in the flow. When we are in the flow, we are clear, we are open, we are connected and most receptive to inspiration and our natural intuition.

Intuition is a skill like any other and it can be practiced, honed and strengthened. The more we pay attention to it and notice it, the more it works for us and the easier it gets to tap in.

So how do you recognize when you are in the Flow States?

I learned to recognize my own flow state when I am clear, in a state of inner calm, and feeling positive and optimistic.

There are many activities that can take us into flow states and the more we hang out in flow, the easier it is to get “tapped in, tuned in and turned on with life” see article Flow states here

Intuition is the #1 Skill I recommend for anyone overcoming an autoimmune condition, healing from a chronic illness or just in creating and crafting a great life.

I share my story of overcoming an autoimmune condition in my new book, The Miracle Code.

In my book, I highlight the series of steps along the way that helped me navigate overcoming an autoimmune condition. I tell my story of going from being super active as a professional backpacker and whitewater guide to being diagnosed with a crippling condition. Along the way I continued to believe we can heal and step by step I untangled the inner patterns of brain habits, beliefs and unconscious programs causing the condition to manifest in my body.

If you believe we can draw on multiple modalities for healing, if you believe intuition can help us navigate our own path to recovery, pick it up here, click here

This month, honoring Intuition, Flow and Synchronicities. Join me in th facebook group: Mind Mastery: Intuition & Synchronicities

Achieve your goals with life coaching and NLP Salt Lake CityAnd join me for the FREE class: Intuition, Flow & Synchronicities, Wed. Aug. 28, 6:30-7:30 pm Mountain time, click here to register