“How can Hypnosis Improve Intuition?”

This was a question I was recently asked. Sometimes we think of Intuition in black and white terms, as if either you have it or you don’t.

Or perhaps you’ve heard in the world that intuition is only for special people and psychics, that you were born with it or you weren’t.

Many people are aware of intuition to some degree, we may just have different words for it. Some people call it inner vision or inner knowing, or “following your gut” or instinct.

Whatever you may call intuition, its a birthright. Intuition is something that every human is born with, but like a muscle it needs to be practiced and exercised in order to be strengthened.

I found Intuition essential in navigating and overcoming an “incurable” autoimmune condition, which I talk about in my book, The Miracle Code. See it here 

In the book, I share many self reflection meditations as I used Intuition in understanding the many layers of the mind-body-spirit system, as I noticed what I could shift and adjust in my inner world to create inner harmony, which then allowed the mind-body-spirit system to heal itself of the condition.

As I found Intuition essential in the process of recovering my health through multiple layers, I then recognized there’s many ways we can work with Hypnosis to shift and adjust the 5 Main Aspects of Intuition to create clear and consistent inner clarity and intuition.

There’s 5 main aspects to master your Intuition:

  1. Being in the Receptive Frame of Mind
  2. Noticing Messages: Intuition is happening all the time, but are we paying attention?
  3. Clarifying & Decoding the Messages: What does it mean?
  4. Sorting Messages: Does this belong to me, is it from my unconscious mind, or from someone else?
  5. Follwing  & Feedback: If we are not paying attention to feedback, we are missing the instights of where we are on or off track.

We can use Hypnosis with each of these aspects to improve each of the 5 areas. For example, we can use Hypnosis to be in the receptive state of mind more often. Or we can use Hypnosis to ask the Unconscious Mind to recognize our intuitive messages more. We can also ask the mind to help us clarify and decode messages.

We are most connected to our Inspired, Intuitive states of mind when the mind is clear and relaxed. Using Hypnosis we can create inner clarity that allows our intuitive messages to come through or even to clarify what messages have come up. We can also use Hypnosis to sort messages, or create inner filters to tell us how to recognize what is for us or not for us, what we can dismiss. This is especially useful for empaths, who end up taking on other people’s emotions and energies.

And finally we can use Hypnosis / Meditative states for further practicing the intuitive states of mind and setting up ways to quickly check-in and tune in to recognize the feedback when we are getting messages and following through.

So at each of these levels we can update and clarify each level, allowing the mind to create clarity and knowing along the way with each step.

When we dial these segments in, we can move the needle towards clear, consistent and confident inner knowing. 

Imagine living every day guided by your intuition, effortlessly recognizing synchronicities, finding greater ease as you align with your purposes and enjoying watching your dreams and aspirations become reality.

What would it be like to be “tapped in, tuned in and turned on with life” the majority of the time feeling peace, clarity, ease and with baseline of well being and happiness?

This is why I created the Intuition Mastery Mastermind: to bring together like-minded, heart-centered people in a safe space to practice intuition, get feedback, share skills and tools and deepen the connection.

If connecting with inner awareness, tuning into your divine source of inspiration, and clarifying through multiple levels to harnessing your intuition to create a deeply satisfying, enriching, purpose-filled life appeals to you, then, I’d love to have you join us in this 6 month adventure.

See details here on Intuition Mastery Mastermind

We meet live the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays each month, 6:30 pm Mountain Daylight Time.

We cover new topics each month with skills and tools to practice and hone intuition.

Here’s to Your Health, Happiness & Success
