Is your Brain Running Anxiety Habits?
I remember when I trained as an Emergency Medical Technician, we had these pagers that made the sound of a phone ringing when they went off. When we were on call, we had to take a pager home so we could cover the shift in an emergency.
I was just barely 20 and living in the dorms at a small town college in rural Utah, the town was maybe 1.5 miles across, a main street of 2 blocks.
Anyhow, each time I had my shift and the pager rang, my whole body activated with adrenaline as I threw down my backpack, raced to get my bicycle (no car, thank goodness it was a small town) and hightailed it to the scene or the ambulance station so I could assist.
Well, classic conditioning, even years later, when my house phone rang, I would jump with a jolt of adrenaline as my system screamed emergency, emergency!
This is how the unconscious mind works, when we encounter a situation that’s similar, it activates the same emotions we had at the time of whatever previous situation its referencing.
And the unconscious mind is very fast, it houses all the archives of your mind, so often what we are responding to isn’t just about the present moment its the whole of history that’s similar.
So if your system gets triggered with anxiety, even though you don’t know why, your unconscious mind is likely referencing a past event that may or may not have to do with your current situation.
It may sound mundane, it may not sound sexy, but if you really want to make a profound lasting change, then change your brain habits!
Anxiety brain habits can show up in different ways: it can be that sudden jolt of adrenaline when you feel triggered.
Or it can be that gnawing feeling in your stomach when your brain keeps what iffing! (what if this happens, then what if this..)
But it can also be just avoiding that thing you know you should do that would really move you forward.
It can be subtle, but there’s often more than one brain habit tangled up in anxiety, and they might even sound true or feel true, but they are not, they are just mental blocks that get stuck on repeat. Here’s a few of the most common ones I’ve run across with clients:
- I can’t get what I want
- I’m not good enough
- You can’t trust people
- I can’t trust myself
- I can’t handle it
- Life is scary
- What if bad things happen (and catastrophizing)
The brain habits causing anxiety can be different from one person to another.
Even though people might experience anxieties similarly, each person is different and the tangle of brain habits running anxiety for you can be different than the habits causing anxiety for someone else. But we don’t have to guess about it, we can just ask your Automatic Mind what they are and engage the automatic or Unconscious Mind to help change them.
When you change your brain habits, you change HOW you think, HOW you feel and you transform yourself and your life.
Rewire Your Brain Habits – Change Your Life! Here’s what Elizabeth had to say:
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Drawing on multiple modalities of Neuro Linguistic Programming, Hypnotherapy, Emotional Freedom Technique and Thought Pattern Management, we can rewire the brain out of anxiety habits and patterns. Your brain can actually LEARN new patterns quickly to get you to inner calm, clarity and feeling better than ever.
Schedule your free consult and we talk more about how “brain training” works and whether it will work for you.