One Minute Headache Cure

Our perceptions of pain start in our brain. This doesn’t mean that you are making pain up or that its not real. The pain signal is very real, but the signal of it starts in your brain. Here’s a quick example of an amazing quick tool to help your mind and body address headache pain and resolve it.

As I was hosting an evening networking event, one of my colleagues came in and mentioned she had a splitting headache, she described the symptoms and it sounded like a migraine.

I can’t help myself, if you ever complain of a headache in front of me, guaranteed, I will be running through this quick and easy process with you. She said she was open to trying one minute of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), so here’s what we did.

The NLP Quick process to One Minute Headache Relief

“Imagine that I’m going to suck that headache out of your head and hold it in my hand here.”  (I motioned like I was pulling the headache out and held my hand out in front of her).

“As you look here in my hand, what does it look like?” I asked.

She said, “It’s a green mass.”

I asked, “If it had a message for you, what would it be?”

She said, “to relax.” She further explained that she had a lot of things going on in her personal life and had felt rushed with little time for herself and family lately.

“Now think of a time and place where you feel relaxed.”I said.

“When I’m in my bed, I love my bed, the down sheets, the covers and pillows.” She said.

“Very good, imagine being in your bed and feeling that relaxed. Now imagine stepping into relaxed and in your mind’s eye imagine there’s a dial, turn up the dial and as you do the feeling of relaxed gets stronger and stronger, turn it all the way up to an 8 or 9 on a scale of 1-10.” I said.

So I said, “Now as you take the positive message to relax, that part of your mind that has made the headache, is it willing to focus on relaxing internally even though the world around you is busy?”

She answered, “yes”

“And now, we can recycle this old headache out to the light of the sun, and all the positive messages and insights can come back to you as a ray of light, and you can even imagine a light shining down through the top of your head filling all the space the headache has left, letting it soak in with that wonderful sense of relaxing into all those places of your head, and you can even imagine a bubble of light wrapping around you as a reminder that you get to choose what you want to keep in your bubble, you can choose to feel comfortable and relaxed within your bubble, would that be okay.”

“Yes, that would be good.”

How does your headache feel now?

“It feels lighter, more open.”

How the One Minute Headache Cure Works

3 hours later I checked in with her after the event was over, “How does your head feel?” “Good” she said, “the headache is gone.”

This simple process took only about one minute, and here are the key elements to understand this powerful pain relief technique:

The symptoms we experience in our body are often trying to get our attention to take an action in our life. The messages are often about relaxing more, taking more time to care for ourselves or paying attention to things we need to take care of.

Symptoms are messengers, what is the message? When you acknowledge the message, and internalize the response, as we let her mind focus on relaxing internally (because she didn’t have the time to put her feet up right then), the mind can take care of it automatically. Your unconscious mind is in charge of whatever is running automatically, this process works with your unconscious (or automatic mind) to address the reason for the underlying pain and make the shift in its perception and expression.

When you get the message, it relieves the need for the symptom. Your mind and body are working for you, even when it experiences pain and symptoms.

Stress is becoming a bigger factor in our culture, as our technology is speeding up, so are the demands on our time. It becomes more important than ever to manage our stress in order to manage our pain and body symptoms.

If the process didn’t work for you, there is likely a deeper issue to resolve, heal or let go of.

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