Get Your Brain Game On with NLP Practitioner & Hypnosis Online Training Courses:

Looking to rewire your mind out of old habits and patterns? Or perhaps looking to help others get out of procrastinating and sabotage? You’re in the right place.  Get fast & lasting results with Neuro Linguistic Programming NLP and Hypnosis/ Hypnotherapy. Or take the NLP & Hypnosis classes to learn for yourself and others. Learn skills and tools of Neuro Linguistic Programming trainings and Hypnosis / Hypnotherapy classes both online and inperson in Salt Lake City, Utah  

Have you struggled with:

  • Anxiety, Stress & Overwhelm?
  • ADHD & Can’t Focus?
  • Cravings or Compulsions?
  • Lack of Confidence & Self Criticism?
  • Procrastination, Avoidance or Sabotage?

It’s Brain Habits wired into your BRAIN!

We have obvious habits in what we do such as smoking and overeating, but we also have habits in what we think and how we feel.

It’s these thinking and feeling habits, wired into the brain, that make the difference between floundering or success.

Whatever your brain is running in the background, it can be trained out of old habits and patterns and into new ones that support you and your success! Looking to change your own brain habits?

==>>Book a Mental Blocks Assessment and experience the “Brain Training” difference with NLP & Hypnosis sessions.

Hypnosis-Hypnotherapy & Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Trainings & Workshops 2025

NLP Hypnosis Workshops Quicklist:

March 28 -30: Hypnosis-Hypnotherapy Training & Certification In-person Series begins, 3 weekends

  • Certify with the National Guild of Hypnotists over 3 weekends, starts March 28-30

April 26- 27: The Mind-Body Miracle System: For NLP & Hypnosis Practitioners, 2 Day Training, 9- 5 pm, Inperson and Online options, must be a certified NLP or Hypnosis Professional

Enrolling Now: Integrative Life Coaching & NLP Integrative Practitioner Training for Counselors, Energy Workers & Hypnosis Professionals

  • May 23 – 25 Inperson Training & Certification Retreat, Salt Lake City, Utah
  • Aug 28 – 31 Inperson Training & Certification Retreat, Salt Lake City, Utah

July 18-20: Hypnothoughts Live Conference in Las Vegas, NV @ Sahara Casino. Learn from Hypnotists around the world with dynamic topics as the field continues to grow and evolve. Get your tickets now before pricing increases!

Aug. 8 – 10: National Guild of Hypnotists Hypnosis Conference 75th Anniversary! Marlborough Massachussetts. Learn with Hypnotherapists around the world, discover advances and growth of Hypnotherapy field.

Course Descriptions

Hypnosis – Hypnotherapy Training with The National Guild of Hypnotists in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Learn the insider secrets to understanding your brain, in-depth knowledge of human behavior and communication and so much more. Whether you are looking at the NLP trainings and Hypnosis trainings for your own personal development or help family and friends with practical and effective tools, or even looking to create your own side business, you’ll find these tools and skills applicable to everyday life with real-world results.

Become a Certified Hypnosis Professional with the National Guild of Hypnotists and NGH Trainer Holly Stokes in Salt Lake City Utah

With the National Guild Hypnotist program, you’ll also receive with this training your first year’s membership with the National Guild of100% guarantee business Hypnotists ($165 value) plus your course materials ($145 value) plus subscription to the Journal of Hypnotism, scripts for clients, certificate, plus forms and the essentials of building your practice. The National Guild of Hypnotists was the first national professional organization for Hypnotists in the United States, founded in 1954. Hypnosis Training & Certification pre-requisites includes:

  • Online Class: Learn Meditation & Self Hypnosis 3 series:  click here
  • Online Class: Conversational Hypnosis Skills Online, also a pre-requisite of Hypnosis Training & Certification meets online 3 part series. click here
  • Experience  3 Live Hypnosis Training weekends in Salt Lake City.

The National Guild of Hypnotists has been operating more than 50 years as a professional organization. Enjoy supportive community with local NGH chapter meetings in the Salt Lake City area and attend the national NGH conferences held in Boston, MA and Las Vegas, NV  held twice yearly.

April 26- 27: The Mind-Body Miracle System: Advanced Training for NLP & Hypnosis Practitioners

2 Day Training in Activating the Mind-Body System for Healing, Rejuvenation and Remarkable Recoveries, based on my recent release The Miracle Code: Elevate Your Mind to Heal Your Body

Advanced Hypnosis training activating the Mind-Body-Spirit’s System of Natural Healing Abilities. This course is included with the complete Hypnosis Training & Certification program, or you may also enroll in the 2 Day training if you’ve previously certified in hypnosis with a qualifying hypnosis program. In-person in Salt Lake City

==>>See Details here

Integrative Life Coaching Training & Certification Course for Counselors & Hypnotherapists

With Integrative Life Coaching Training, you discover powerful tools to help your clients recognize the bigger picture of their lives and create harmonious systems for health, happiness and success. Learn success principles, transformational perspectives to help your clients achieve life-changing results.

  • Online Course starts soon, plus In-person Training & Certification weekend May 23-25

Enrolling Now: Neuro-Linguistic Programming NLP Practitioner Training & Certification Course

NLP has been called The User’s Guide to Your Brain and rightly so. Coaches, Energy Workers, and Hypnotherapists are adding these powerful skills and getting FAST and LASTING results for their clients with easy-to-follow tools.Watch these short videos on NLP and research: About Neuro Linguistic Programming here, and check out the full NLP Practitioner Training training course series. Classes starting now, a mix of online and 2 in-person retreats,

Why train and certify in NLP “Brain Training” tools and skills? Here are just a few popular reasons:

Hypnosis Training and Certification in Salt Lake City

  • Personal growth and self-development: Step into your confidence, motivation, and focus.
  • Improve learning and memory for kids and grandkids to help them excel in school.
  • Add extra income while making a difference in people’s lives and being a valuable resource in your community.
  • Improve your personal health by applying mind-body skills for healthy habits, change cravings and even self-healing strategies.
  • Overcome your own mental blocks and rewire your brain into positive success habits!

NLP or Neuro Linguistic Programming is about how the brain ‘codes’ information, how we can tap into that code and update the automatic behaviors that the mind is running. A good metaphor is like a computer, your brain is like the computer hardware, but what capabilites your computer runs depends on the software (or programs) installed. If your brain is running out of date software, old programs or even glitches, like anxiety or negative thinking, we can help the brain update and change these brain habits for more supportive ones.

The field of NLP has grown to over 300+ different processes for updating brain habits into new perspectives. NLP can be done in more of a Coaching model and conversationally, making these skills a powerful tool set that works anywhere, anytime for deep level transformational change work. Hybrid program includes online learning, live Q&A and Skill training and Practitioner Retreat, call / text 801-810-9406

Bundle Integrative Life Coaching & NLP Integrative Coach Training and SAVE! See here


July 18-20: Hypnothoughts Live Conference in Las Vegas, NV @ Sahara Casino Summer 2025

Learn from Hypnotists around the world with dynamic topics as the field continues to grow and evolve. Get your tickets now before pricing increases! Also save for limited time with convention room rates.

==>>See Full Schedule and Register here:

Aug. 8 – 10: National Guild of Hypnotists Hypnosis Conference 75th Anniversary!

In Marlborough Massachusetts, join the 75th year anniversary celebration with Hypnotherapists from around the world. Discover advances and growth in the field of Hypnotherapy and professional Hypnotists in understanding the mind, behaviors and real-world change! I have 2 classes I’ll be teaching:

  • 7 Secrets To Hypnosis As Mind-Body Medicine: How To Get The Unconscious Mind Onboard With Health And Healing – 2-Hr Workshop

  • Intuitive Eating: Quell Cravings, Food Allergies & Weight Loss With Hypnosis! – 2-Hr Workshop

  • Register for the conference at: ==>>

Got Questions about Courses & Trainings? Book a Free Consult Here:


Advanced NLP & Hypnosis Trainings for Hypnotherapists, NLP Practitioners & Coaches

The fields of NLP, Hypnosis & TPM are fast growing in popularity and reputation for being results driven with transformational results. Continue your ongoing training and enrichment with these advanced courses for practitioners. Its also highly recommended that you attend the Conferences to learn from seasoned professionals around the world!



A Lighter You Practitioner Training: Hypnosis for Weight Loss System

Change cravings with hypnosis hypnotherapy salt lake cityWant to help your clients overcome the REAL reasons we gain weight: old habits, cravings, anxiety and stress, lack of motivation and sabotage? Weight loss is not the same for everyone, it ranges from simple to complicated. Learn the assessment to understand your client’s core issues, develop a roadmap and plan to get their brain onboard with success and learn to address the deeper issues and sabotage that keeps them stuck. Here’s an overview of what’s included:

  • Learn a powerful assessment tool
  • Learn to work with the layers of the mind
  • Get easy tools to change cravings, habits
  • Learn amazing NLP Skills
  • Get 6 week and 12 week formats
  • 6 week and 12 week class plans

Whether you are a Coach, NLP Practitioner or Hypnotist, you’ll love this program full of powerful information, research, plus the “Brain Tools” to help transform cravings, lack of motivation and sabotage that cause clients to fall off the wagon. See details here


About Holly Stokes, The Brain Trainer

Holly Stokes, The Brain Trainer, Author, Speaker, Hypnotherapist, is a 3 time author and has more than 20 years experience in the field of applied psychology. Over the last 17 years, she has worked with thousands of clients in ‘rewiring’ the brain out of fears, negative thinking and the habits that keep us stuck. She has been quoted by Shape Magazine, Active Times and Chicago Tribune and appears on radio shows and local TV. She says, “Whatever you want to create in your life – the answers are in your brain.”

  • Master Neuro Linguistic Programming Trainer
  • National Guild of Hypnotists Trainer
  • Co-owner of Life Harmony Wellness Center

Books by Holly Stokes:

  • A Lighter You! Train Your Brain to Slim Your Body
  • A Lighter You! Health Coach’s Guide to Nutrition in Action
  • Visioneering Your Business: Startup Growth & Profitability
  • The Miracle Code: Elevate Your Mind to Heal Your Body