NLP Online Training: 7 Levels of Wealth & Mastering Your Money Mind
Got Money Shrinkage?
- Do you stress and struggle with money?
- Is there too much month at the end of your money?
- Do you wish you could increase your income but feel like you can’t move forward?
When we think about income, we don’t think of the role our mind plays with money and wealth.
Watch the short video below that shows how our brain habits, patterns and programs of the unconscious mind affect our money and earning potential. The obvious way the mind affects our money is found in spending habits. But there are also many other varied and unconscious and hidden patterns that affect our money as well.
Watch the short video
Your negative money patterns may not be about shopping, but there are many ways that your mind can create sabotage with money and affect your income and earning potential with money and wealth.
Our money patterns are created from our past experiences, our parent’s views and examples of money, and even our generational beliefs and ideas about money. Here’s just a few of the money patterns generated by the brain that can interfere with your ease with money and the ability to stabilize and build wealth:
- Money Stress
- Bad Spending Habits
- Money Fears such as “There’s not enough”
- Money Hoarding: amassing money, but not enjoying your wealth or improving your life
- Get Rich Quick Schemes (taking risks that counter to your sensibilities and intuition)
- Not Investing & Building Longterm
The brain has learned habits, patterns and programs (automatic recurring beliefs and ideas) about money and how we relate to money and use it in our lives. If you have stress with money, old habits of spending too much or not actively growing and investing your money to work for you, you could be struggling more than you need to. And you tired of money struggles?
Here’s how the brain creates money habits and programs
When the bills come in, if you feel stress and think, ‘I don’t know if there’s enough to pay the bills.’ Your mind is still recording this response of stress and worry in the background of your mind.
If we repeat the pattern several times – the brain automates this response and turns it into a habit that money means stress and worry.
So now if your mind has ‘decided’ that money = stress and worry, your automatic mind will avoid money to save you stress and worry, thus repelling the very money you desire. LOL- It’s doing you a favor!
Your Brain Could Be Repelling the Very Money and Wealth that You Desire.
If your unconscious mind has blocks to money, it doesn’t matter how hard you work, it doesn’t matter how much you scrimp and save or plan, you’ll be limited in the amount of money you can receive and enjoy.
If you’ve noticed repeating patterns with money – stress, worry, fear – it means the patterns are ingrained into the unconscious mind or automatic mind. So positive affirmations just don’t cut it because the unconscious doesn’t get the updates.
It can be raining money in your profession, at your job, in your industry, but if your unconscious mind is wired to avoid money, it can feel like a desert of opportunity.
How can your Mind help you Win the Money Game?
Discover HOW to change your unconscious mental blocks about money, allowing you to stress less, diminish sabotaging money habits and open your mind to opportunities.
Discover how to break through your own glass ceiling. Learn powerful processes to align your unconscious mind to greater wealth and prosperity – and enjoy greater levels of money and well being.
- Find your UNCONSCIOUS Money Blocks.
- Transform the Mental Money Blocks at the Unconscious Level.
- Identify Strategies to Increase Your Income
- Tap into Intuitive Money Manager.
- Train Your Brain into Wealth & Prosperity
You’ll learn advanced Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) processes that you can apply to identify and transform the blocks, align your unconscious to wealth and prosperity and find greater ease and enjoyment in life. This gives you the formula to boost your income not only for the moment, but on into the future, allowing your mind to expand as your money grows.
While change can happen quickly. Money is still a process… I’m not a millionaire ( yet- LOL ), but I don’t worry and stress about money the way that I used to, I have extra money available for my needs, travel and the fun things I enjoy. And I continually see the next opportunities on the horizon for opening up to the next levels of wealth.
You can “train your brain” to relax into the flow of money, you can find ease and joy with money and with your life. And with this amazing BRAIN Skill set, you’ll know how to grow your mind with your money for each new level of wealth and prosperity for you.
The key is not in spending less, the key is in thriving more!
There’s only so much budget cutting you can do. So at some point, instead of pinching pennies, you need to turn your attention to wealth creation instead. Scrimping and saving is a very different mindset than growth and expansion. When your unconscious mind on board with your wealth creation, it gets easier and easier to recognize the opportunities, the people and the resources that can help you move forward. If the unconscious isn’t onboard, it will continue to dismiss them.
PLUS, Experience the power of Hypnosis to Train Your Unconscious – Automatic Mind
Your brain is running old habits, patterns and programs from your past. These patterns are outdated, but the unconscious or automatic mind doesn’t necessarily get the update. That’s the beauty of hypnosis, by relaxing and focusing the mind, you can ‘train your brain’ and get your unconscious mind onboard with your money goals.
When you get your automatic or unconscious mind on board, you start to recognize your best strategies, identify the opportunities and expand your possibilities in growing your money.
Repetition is key to helping the mind update old programs and incorporate new habits. You’ll enjoy the relaxing nature of Hypnosis while your automatic mind makes the updates and changes for you.
Are you ready to go from Surviving to Thriving?
I’m so excited to be sharing this class online. Previously I’ve only taught it live and in person, but there’s some very clear benefits to doing this course as an online mastermind. We’ll be meeting for 4 weeks, covering concepts and strategies and you’ll get access to all recordings for an entire year.
4 Money Masterclass Videos
NLP Skills to Rewire Your Brain
4 Hypnosis Processes to Clear Money Mental Blocks
Access to the Online Course for an Entire Year
101 Checklist Money Mental Blocks to Rewire
Discover Powerful Tools and Skills to Get Your Brain Onboard with Your Money and Wealth!
- Get Your Brain Onboard with Your Money Goals
- Use the Power of Clear & Directional Language
- Learn to Quickly Identify Unconscious Money Blocks
- Discover Powerful Processes to Clear Unconscious Money Sabotage
- NLP Trade Secrets to Quickly Change & Clear Money Blocks
- And Rewire 101 Money Mental Blocks
Plus, Hypnosis to Build the 5 Foundations for Increasing Your Prosperity ($158 Value)
- Hypnosis for Money: Train Your Brain for Wealth & Prosperity
- Thought Pattern Management: Upleveling your Money Potential
- Hypnosis for Money: Nourishing Your Money Tree
Plus, NEW: Create Your Personalized Money Script!
You’ll identify, create and record your personalized money script to get your brain onboard with your money goals. It’s perfectly tailored to you and recorded in a way that your unconscious will allow you to integrate quickly and deeply.
Isn’t it time to uplevel your money mind? It’s time to stop struggling with your brain, find greater ease with money and your energy, and step up your potential? Join me in breaking through your own glass ceiling.
Learn to identify the pesky, hidden factors that are keeping you from the stability and well being with your money potential. Learn the trade secrets to pinpointing, removing and replacing old money programs. Learn to use your BRAIN to help you find the safe opportunities to grow and expand your wealth.
And enjoy these bonuses to help you change money blocks, money habits & programs
Bonus 1: Online Access for An Entire Year!
Bonus 2: Four Hypnosis Audios to Update Your Money Mind
You’ll get these downloads mp3, which you can conveniently play through your computer or phone:
- Hypnosis for Money: Train Your Brain for Wealth & Prosperity
- Thought Pattern Management: Upleveling your Money Potential
- Hypnosis for Money: Nourishing Your Money Tree
Bonus 3: NLP Tools
- 7 Levels of Wealth workbook with NLP Trade Secrets (pdf)
- 101 Money Beliefs to Rewire Cheklist (pdf)
Total Value of $458
Limited Time: Register for Only $199!
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Holly Stokes, Master Neuro Linguistic Programming Practitioner, Certified Thought Pattern Management Practitioner and Hypnotherapist, has assisted thousands of clients over the last 15 years in boosting their confidence, motivation and stepping up to their potential.
She co-owns the Life Harmony Wellness Center in Murray UT, empowering and inspiring people to live healthier, happier and on purpose.
Holly has authored three books and several Hypnosis CDs designed to rewire the brain for weight loss, health, wealth, happiness and success and loves to empower people with ‘brain skills’ for life.
She has been quoted by Shape Magazine, Active Times, The Chicago Tribune. Her articles have appeared in Healthy Utah, and she appears on radio shows and TV including ABC’s Good 4 Utah.
“Let me share with you HOW to get your BRAIN onboard with your money goals. Changing your life is as easy as changing your brain – let me show you how.” – Holly Stokes