Experience Hypnosis and Boost Your Confidence
People who are more confident get promoted ahead of their colleagues, make more money, make friends more easily and besides its just more fun to have more confidence. Confidence is a precursor to charisma and it all comes down to feeling good about you. Sometimes we get caught in the trap of putting off feeling good about ourselves until someday.
You don’t have to wait until you’ve got a fancy car to feel good about you, you don’t have to wait until you’ve lost 20 pounds or got a wardrobe reinvention to feel good about you. You can start boosting your self esteem now with Hypnosis.
Where could you use more confidence? 
- In dating?
- In meeting new people?
- In going for a promotion?
- In communicating with family and friends?
- In starting or growing your business?
- In learning something new or going back to school?
When you feel good about you, you automatically put others at ease as well. You might notice there are some people you just like to be around. They may have a great smile, expansive energy and feel genuinely warm and charismatic.
Your Confidence is wired into your brain.
Your brain has habits in how you see yourself, and these habits run automatically. Many of these habits come from somebody else’s opinion of who you should be or what you should be doing. They are not even a good representation of who you are now. Many of these old habits and patterns are based off of the ideas and “programming” that you picked up from childhood and the formative years. Most of our ideas about how we see ourselves are set by the time we are 7 years old.
Hypnosis can change old brain habits and programs around confidence and we can set up new habits that support you.
Most of what your brain is running automatically in the background are old thinking patterns, other’s outdated opinions and even some opinions of people you don’t even like. But you don’t have to stay stuck with these old habits and automatic programs.
With the Advanced Strategies of Hypnosis, Neuro Linguistic Programming and Thought Pattern Management, we can teach your mind to set up new automatic patterns that help you boost your self esteem, your self worth so you can step into thinking better and feeling better about you.
There is a process to boosting your confidence. Even if you’ve had poor self esteem your whole life, we can update your brain with new habits of confidence.
It’s not about overestimating who you are, becoming boisterous or overbearing.
It’s about getting your mind to realistically value your unique gifts and talents.
It’s about getting your mind to recognize the value of who you are and what you offer to the people around you.
It’s about owning your self worth and owning your voice.
It’s about making peace with your own mind, so it can run new thoughts for you~ automatically.
It’s about getting really clear with you so that you can be really clear with others, which is the basis of all good communication and foundation for fulfilling relationships.
It’s about being good with you~ so you can be great in your life.
Book Your Confidence Assessment Session Now
OR Call Now: 801-810-9406 to Schedule
What could more confidence get you in your life? Isn’t it time for an upgrade?
Confidence sounds like a singular thing, but there can actually be a lot of underlying interference. Here’s just a few of the negative brain habits that could be stealing your confidence.
Negative Self Talk: 90% of people have some form of negative self talk running in the background of the mind. Its a brain habit and it can be changed even in a single session.
- Poor Self Esteem: How our brains have learned to esteem ourselves comes from our history, especially in childhood. Our first messages about our worth and value came from our parents. Even if we had well meaning parents, they couldn’t give us what they didn’t have. So the most ingrained messages about who we are, our worth and value in the world trace back to our formative years. As they’ve been ingrained for so long, they become automatic. But they are brain habits and can be changed.
- Not Recognizing Our Gifts, Talents & Skills: Even very accomplished people can have a brain habit of dismissing or not valuing their own achievements and skills. By not valuing what we know, we are ranking ourselves lower than how others see us. We don’t want the mind to overinflate your skills and talents, but we do want it to be realistic with recognizing what you can do, what you are capable of and valuing yourself.
- Seeing Yourself as Less Than Others: Comparison is a recipe for dissappointment and depression. In fact some clients have cleared up longstanding depression by changing this brain habit of comparison and not good enough, read the blog here about Is it Depression or a Mental Habit?
- Experiences like Loss of Love or Divorce: Even when we try to brush ourselves off after life dissappointments, sometimes they just get under the skin. Even if we’re putting on a happy face, we can feel depleted inside. But your mind doesn’t have to stay there, you can get your Mojo back.
In the New Client Assessment, we’ll identify the the brain habits that are tripping up your confidence, develop your roadmap to your Stellar Winning Attitude and you’ll know exactly what’s in your way and what to do about it. We also have time in the Assessment to record a customized session for you to start the process of reclaiming your confidence.
The good news is, you can break free of the Brain Habits and life gets better on the other side!
Start with a Free Consultation (15 minutes by phone) 801-810-9406
Or Click Here to Book Your Confidence Assessment Session
“For every goal you want to accomplish in life, in love, in career~ it all starts with your Brain!”
What will improve in your life with more confidence?