Have you struggled with any of these issues?

  • Feeling scattered and not knowing where to focus your time and energy
  • Fears and anxieties that block you from moving forward
  • Confusion about your Life Purpose or Mission
  • Uncertainty about your future and fear of missing out

What would it take to clear the confusion, reclaim your inner voice, and clarify your inner knowing?

We can address each of the mental blocks one by one, but it’s far more efficient to teach your own mind to make the important updates for stepping into your higher potential, recognizing your intuition and being clear with your path.

Welcome to The Soul Alignment Series

As we grow up through life, our unconscious automatic mind receives “programming” from our parents, from our culture, from our schooling and environments. We get ideas about who we are and what’s possible for us mostly from other people’s opinions.

Because our young child brains don’t have a good filter, we simply take on other people’s ideas and opinions, even when they are not good for us. We adopt others ideas, rather than finding our own inner clarity.

With the Soul Alignment Series, we teach the unconscious mind to recognize your own clarity and your expansive truth so you know what’s important for you in living your amazing life!

These powerful series of 3 processes actually teaches your own mind to make its own updates, rewires your unconscious automatic mind into your profound truth of you, the soul self and helps you recognize your intuition. Here’s the focus of each session and what they can do for you:

Soul Alignment 1: Clear Mind & Resolve Past

To hold new possibilities, we must let go of the past. We can easily teach the mind to clear up the past negative emotional history and let go of old traumas. We do this without story and details, we essentially teach your mind how to let go of the negative baggage you’ve been carrying. Our personalities are largely based in the experiences and interpretations of life, how other’s opinions have shaped us. Clear the old history and connect with your cores perspectives:

  • Find inner balance and peace
  • Quickly quell anxieties and fears and emotional loops
  • Letting go of old stories to pave the way for positive future
  • Create palpable okayness with the clarity of you
  • Clear & Resolve Traumas at Unconscious Level as your expansive mind recodes them

Soul Alignment 2: Wire the Unconscious Mind to Your Soul Self/Core Self and Expansive You

The profound truth of you is more than your personality self.

You are dynamic, you are evolving, you are learning and growing through this life. In order to achieve our higher potentials, we all need updates to recognize our expansive self, our limitless self and believe in ourselves more. The positive future we want to attain is on our higher path of the core self, soul self.

This process also teaches the mind to let go of other’s opinions and ideas about who we are and create clarity within our own inner knowing, letting go of the “I’m nots” and creating our lives with new possibilities.

And of course knowing we are loved and supported is essential to each of us as humans, we wire the automatic mind to knowing this at a profound level, which then gives us permission to live our purpose and mission.

Soul Alignment 3: Clarifying your Purpose, Mission & Vision

In this process, we get the automatic mind to recognize what’s important for you in living your most fulfilling, satisfying life.

Your life purpose may not be the same as your family member’s or your friend’s but each of us, when we are on track with what’s truly important, you find inner stability, clarity and motivation to take the steps forward.

Your mission are the gifts and talents you came to share in the world. Some of these you may be aware of, some of them may be untapped talents.

Your Vision is your lifestyle, how do you want to live day to day, what’s important to you, your values and the elements that make life fulfilling, fun and finding your flow.

With your higher potential, what dreams are ready to be enlived or rekindled ?

These powerful processes are foundational to living your best, they can uplevel your possibilities and find new solutions, new connections and raise your vibrational default baseline.

Sessions are online and in small groups. No content necessary but we will have some time after to connect and share. Please be on time so you won’t miss out on important updates.

  • This series is foundational to the Intuition Mastermind coming soon. TBA
  • These sessions have a powerful effect, its recommended to not schedule taxing mental work after the session. You will likely want some time to relax, reflect and journal after the sessions.

Sessions are done online in small groups, here’s the following dates. Each session is $75 (can pay via venmo) or get the Summer Soul Alignment Series Special below:

Space is limited, save your seat and Register now!

Here’s what clients are saying:

“This is amazing. The way that I thought of my life and defined myself by the past has changed. I’m a different person.” –Dan Deniro, freelance writer Salt Lake City, UT

“Overall I feel more positive -able to handle things easier. Anxiety has dropped and I feel more able to cope. I’m a lot more trusting, better at letting go and trusting. I feel good, grounded, excited.” –Amber D, Salt Lake City, UT

“I’m taking things in a lighter way, I’m happier with myself. Its easier to say no if I need to. I was always putting other’s needs before me, but now I just hear myself say no, without even thinking about it, that’s big. I’m very accommodating but when you do it so much, it becomes a habit, of putting others first and then feeling resentful about it. So now, I’m just saying no, but I’m not even thinking about it. I don’t have to fight it.
I’m not putting myself down anymore. I’m much happier. When old thoughts come up, which would take me into anxiety and frustration, I just switch it off. I do have things to feel anxious about, but the anxiety just goes away, it’s not there anymore.
I’m focusing on enjoying the moments with my kids and being present with them. In the past I was home with them, but I was always worried about something, I had depression and was in a dark place, I was scared about everything and so even though I was with my kids, I wasn’t there with them. Now I’m just not thinking the same way. I am really just enjoying the moments with my kids and family.”–Victoria Cobler

“I had tried other approaches and I was tired of going to doctors or therapists who wanted to give me prescription pills and weren’t really focusing on giving me the tools to help myself. We worked on stress management and how I can retrain myself to cope better, to focus on my goals and take care of myself. Holly listened to me and really helped huge issues in my life. She really helped me focus my energy on positive things and turned EVERY negative issue in my life into something full of wisdom and good positive energy. My life and future is so much brighter and better!!  I highly recommend her!”–Shawnna McAtee, Chiropractic Assistant

About Holly Stokes, Author, Master NLP Coach & Hypnosis Trainer

Holly Stokes, 3 x Author, Master Neuro Linguistic Programming Coach & Hypnosis Trainer has helped thousands of clients retrain their brains out of anxiety, procrastination and sabotage over the last 18 years.

She has been quoted by Shape Magazine, Active Times, Chicago Tribune and co-owns the Life Harmony Wellness Center in Salt Lake City, Utah. She loves empowering clients to overcome life’s challenges, embrace their intuition and heal their lives. She trains and certifies lifelong learners in the skills of Neuro Linguistic Programming and Hypnosis to help others harness their mind and motivation for life.

Questions about this program or other trainings? Call / Text 801-810-9406