ACCKKKK! 10 minutes before go time, my computer totally locked up and

I had a bunch of people registered!

Last Week I was hosting the  Easy Sales Conversations & Conversions, when 10 minutes before, my computer totally froze up and there was nothing I could do about it. I tried calling in to the online to let people know – no access! For about 20 minutes, staring at the frozen computer screen, punching ctrl+alt+delete while it beeped at me, even turning on and off -to no avail – and feeling helpless, while time ticked away…..

I know we’ve all had these moments, you may have found yourself in a similar situation, and some of our best thinking doesn’t help!

  • People are counting on me, I’m letting people down
  • People will think I’m not reliable (and countless other interpretations and projections)
  • I look so unprofessional!

Here’s my quick “Calm Down & Reset”

Its a modification of Emotional Freedom Technique EFT or the tapping method, but we don’t have to do all the acupuncture points, and I created a phrase more brain friendly.

Make a fist with one hand and lightly tap on your chest bone while saying the phrase, “Even though I feel ___________(emotion: upset, stressed, frustrated, etc) I come back to my center now.

“This is weird, you might say”  But go ahead and give it a try, even pick something that happened recently, like perhaps feeling frustrated or angry, as you think about that experience, notice the level of emotion you feel now. Rate the emotion on the scale of 1-10, how strong do you feel the emotion?

Now, go through the exercise, tap your chest lightly while saying the phrase, “Even though I feel _________(the emotion) I come back to my center now.”

After 1-2 minutes, take a break and notice how you feel, rate scale of 1-10? Even in just a minute or two, it drop your stress, anger, anxiety and emotion allowing you to be more centered, think more clearly and show up the way you want to.

Then you can create some new thoughts about the situation:

  • I’ll just have to reschedule
  • People will be understanding
  • I can post an update on facebook
  • Perhaps on rescheduling, I’ll get even more folks coming to the next class

For those of you who geek out on the how-to (like me) here’s the best explanation I’ve found:

It creates a  bio-electrical stimulation of the nervous system, resetting your baseline while the phrase directs the mind to being centered.

The original EFT phrase, is “Even though I feel ____________(emotion) I totally and completely love and accept myself.

But I’ve found with clients – and our crazy culture, that this phrase confuses people, and may even cause some people to go into judgment about not loving themselves, not exactly knowing what that means and not feeling good about themselves, causing even more anxiety.

What we think about directly affects how we feel, and how we feel physically  affects the body.

Join me for more tools at the Live Inperson Class: Anti-Anxiety & Stress Relief, Sat. Mar. 14, 9:30-1pm. Half day training, with skills for life! See the Classes Page

Does your mind keep spinning on past negative events? Schedule a “Brain Training” Session to get your brain out of stress causing habits and create better automatic brain habits that support you, Schedule a Session here