Train your Brain to Stress Less!

By |2018-08-16T09:46:05-06:00June 8th, 2010|Business Focus, Goal Achievement, Mindset for Success, Weightloss|

Stress is also the hidden culprit behind weight gain. For many business owners, when we experience stress, the first thing to fall off our busy schedules is fitness, self care and time for healthy meals. The double whammy of stress and our health is that if our Cortisol levels (stress hormone) remain high - it actually causes the body to gain weight and store more fat.

Roadmap to Success!

By |2018-08-16T09:46:07-06:00May 7th, 2010|Business Focus, Goal Achievement, Life Purpose, Mindset for Success, Wealth & Money, Weightloss|

Creating Your Roadmap to Success. What is your next level of success? Would you like to step into your next level? In life, health, or business, the principles of creating change are the same. Create your Roadmap to Success with this NLP process designed to give you insight into each level of change that you need to address in order to create what you want in your life now.

Are you Eating your Emotions?

By |2018-08-16T09:46:08-06:00March 27th, 2010|Healthy Living, Weightloss|

“I’ve been eating to stuff my emotions,” said one of my clients. That moment of awareness led our little group into a more lengthy discussion, and inspired a chapter in my book. From our class discussion, here’s a bit of insight and a preview to my book, Train your Brain to Slim your Body for Lasting Weight Loss Success.

Affirming Abundance in Challenging Times

By |2018-08-16T09:46:08-06:00January 22nd, 2010|Wealth & Money|

What if money is a mass hallucination that we've agreed to let it define who has access to products and services. I'll admit, money is important, we need it to cover mortgages and rent, to access food (since most of us don't grow our own). I just wonder if all this difficulty and uncertainty with our economy will help us in some way outgrow our old ideas about the currency we transfer and call money. Perhaps, it will inspire us to re-think the flow of money, and our relationship to it.

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