Why did I choose that? Making decisions and understanding your Brain with NLP

The choices and decisions we make are influenced by how we see ourselves and the world around us. Each of us has a unique inner world of how see ourselves and how we see life and ourselves.  Neuro Linguistic Programming or NLP was developed in the 1970’s by researchers who wondered: what makes people tick?

Psychology research had been focused on the study of observable behaviors up to this point, but Bandler and Grinder were asking the questions, “what’s going on in someone’s inner world that leads to them to the choices they make? And how can we tap into that inner world, to adjust our thoughts, feelings and actions and get a different result?”

They recognized that what makes the difference from one person to the next is our inner system of how the brain codes and processes information, and the filters of the mind.

What are your brain’s “Metaprograms” and filters?

Understand Your Brain & NLP

Is the glass half empty or is it half full?

Our perspectives whether we see the upside or downside comes from automatic filters of the mind. In NLP we call them “Meta-programs” just think of them as filters. These filters are responsible for what we think, feel and do- they operate above our thoughts, directing our thoughts and thus our actions.

For example, in my twenties, I had a very high freedom and adventure need, I gave up a full ride scholarship to work backpacking jobs with troubled teens for about 10 years and white water raft guiding for about three. It was great, as a female staff I  could get hired where-ever I wanted, I could take time off pretty much whenever. And everyday we were hiking to new places and seeing new sites.

I loved the newness of everyday, I loved the adventure. But spending so long in this Life Coaching Adventure Retreats, Salt Lake Cityindustry, when I decided to leave, I had no long term plan, I had no career. My friends had been graduating college, with specialized degrees, but I hadn’t prioritized security and the long term plan. So I decided to go back to school.

In going back to school, life became very routine. Instead of hiking and exploring, I was sitting in classrooms and reading books. I was doing the same thing everyday, wake, eat, school, homework, sleep. And my need for adventure came out in other ways, namely my food choices. “I got to try this new pastry, I haven’t tried that before.” I gained about 40 lbs.

Luckily at the time I was also going through Hypnosis and NLP Training, and from that window of time I developed the A Lighter You System in understanding and changing habits and cravings.

We are all run by hidden, unconscious motivators and if we’re not feeding our MINDS the things we crave out of life, it comes out in other ways.

We can feel dissatisfied, trapped by routines or that life is dull or lackluster. Or often we can take it out on the people closest to us, our kids or significant other.

But when you dial in what your inner unconscious motivators and drivers are, you can create a deeply fulfilling life that keeps you balanced and enjoying life everyday. And yes, we can even adjust  these filters.

The key is in knowing your own mind.

How to create your ideal life with life coaching salt lake cityDo you tend towards freedom and adventure or do you lean towards safety and security?

This is one metric of 50 of these “Metaprograms” or filters that direct what we see, what we don’t see and the choices we make. I’ll be sharing the most useful ones to know in our next class, Discover & Design Your Amazing Life.

This class is so fun, we look at your unique NLP Brain Style metrics, you identify and clarify your hidden motivators and unconscious drivers, and we even map out your roadmap to living your best life. Your gonna love this class, plus, with registration, you also get online Masterclass Access with Hypnosis audios for an entire year!

Check it out, I hope that you’ll join me in knowing your own mind. And in knowing your own mind, it also becomes easier to understand others, their inner filters and how they see the world. Understanding these filters helps us better understand others, better communicate and better relate to the people in our lives.

Check out the Class: Discover & Design Your Amazing Life